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Analysis and optimization of RSS feeds

Even in RSS marketing is able to track statistics and a detailed analysis of the results. Whether you own a blog, or corporate web site popular RSS feed, you can determine how your content is consumed and what are the habits of your subscribers. This view can help you determine what information is important to them and what are the sources of traffic to the issue. Here's what these include RSS analysis:

  • data on subscription - such as number of subscribers for days, weeks, last 30 days;
  • data on the incidence and impact - estimated number of users who will read and click on the contents of this issue for a day;
  • precise breakdown of the types of RSS readers and aggregators, email services and web browsers that your subscribers view content;
  • click tracking - may be counted clicks on links and images from your RSS feed;
  • unusual uses - such as sites where content is re-published, including other blogs, web directories, etc.
  • number of downloads of a file - if sending podcasts can track how many users have downloaded the files;

Analysis and optimization of RSS feeds

Optimization RSS feed

Besides improving the quality of content that is published through your RSS feeds, a significant part of the effort must be directed towards the significance of external links to your site. With skillful optimization of RSS feeds we will find valuable inbound links to your site and thus strengthen its positions.

When RSS optimize your campaign we will show the direct way to provide important information of the target audience, while enhance the relevance of your site and link to it. We will create and distribute optimized RSS feeds at these levels, categories and networks that include rich content and quality feedback. Please request your interest in using contact details!

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