Increasingly there is a trend in providing active role of consumers in the process of developing a product or service. (crowdsourcing), This new paradigm is crucial for promoting the ideas and increase sales by ownership.
Engagement and commitment
Customer satisfaction shows you how you have successfully done their work, but the involvement of consumers is more accurate measure of the true value of your relationship with them. It covers the deeper and more stable connections and should be your priority. Here are five reasons why measuring engagement is far more valuable:
Satisfaction is the measurement of past experience and not an indicator of future behavior.
Extremely satisfied customers often behave in a manner similar to the less satisfied.
Assist clients involved in the dissemination of marketing message.
Lack of commitment can hurt your business more than you think.
Active clients add value to basic, which you have invested.
We Publicity confidently say that the most valuable asset for any business are precisely the customers involved. They are of most value to business development and implementation of strategies, but at a higher price to attract and inclusion. Do not let them - turn them into active social communication among themselves and with you. Take advantage of our proven sense to find them and cunning ability to intrigue them!
Complete Social Marketing
Complete and most effective Facebook marketing requires a skillful combination of three elements - own Facebook application, page and group. When they are all coordinated, both conducted and managed properly, you'll be sure to include the world's largest media Facebook, which involved more than 1 500 000 Bulgarians. Contact us, to discuss how to unite and engage more of your customers!